A film by Elke von Linde and Michael Springer

"The time has come to share our prophecies and sacred knowledge with the world."

On the following pages you get information about a professionel film that was produced and funded
on an entirely private initiative - without outside help or funds from production companies and TV stations.
At present, the film's message is being spread at screenings and  through video sales.
All serious suggestions to provide further contacts leading to cinema or TV presentations
are very welcome, so that an even larger number of people in Europe and throughout the world
will be able to view its message.

Why don't you organise a presentation in your community or
show it on seminars and educational programs! Please contact us.
Donations to help settle the considerable production costs are appreciated as well.


Part of our income from public screenings and DVD sales is donated to
selected charity projects in America and Asia.


In 2006, 200 Euros went to a foundation which cares for children in need in both Ecuador and Peru. With another 1000 Euros we helped Cristina Schieder of Bad Reichenhall, Germany  and her "Fundación Amistad en Armonía". In 2004, with donations from friends and family,  she established this foundation "Friendship in Harmony" in Chiapas, one of the poorest regions of Mexico. It engages in the help of poor children and their families. Next to financial help, the foundation provides programs for education and integration.
We know Cristina very well and it's assured that all donations will reach these children. A video has been completed about this project which can be ordered HERE.

(This is not the film "The White Road", which can be ordered as DVD HERE and as stream HERE.)

 In December of 2007, we divided our funds into 2 projects:
- the "Carrera por la Paz"  in Hermosillo/ Mexico is a peace run
  to support indigenous culture and identity (200 Euros),
,- and 400 Euros for two elders and storytellers in Munich
  who by their work are bearers of our own myths and legends.

One of our films protagonist is Grand Chief Woableza, a Lakota Elder, who as a storyteller is travelling the Americas to work for understanding of the people and nations. So he is teaching the school children their traditions.
In 2008, we donated 90 DVDs of "The White Road" to support his work.

Furthermore 500 Euros went to the Mayan medicinal herbs project in Kantunilkin / Yukatan/ Mexico, that Elke von Linde visited in march of 2009.
Venus, healer and shaman (left), is healing daily many people of the region in the middle of the jungle. He wants to pass the knowledge of Mayan medicinal herbs to interested people of the world. A botanical garden and a little workshop for processing herbs are planned. Also some cabins for patients to stay for the healing process. Venus talks of 1 to 2 weeks with breast cancer for example.
Jorge Estrella (left), is a friend who for his whole life supported the Mayans and their projects. He tries to get financial help from the Mexican government for this very important project, because this exceptional knowledge will dissappear with the last elders and traditional healers. If you feel to support this medicinal herbs projects in any way, please write to Elke

In 2009, the Bornfree Art School International in Bangalore/India received 430 Euros for their exemplary work to educate and develop street children, working children and freed bonded labor children through the arts, putting them back into the main stream of education. Children will learn sculpture, painting, dance, music, theater, photography and filmmaking along with reading, writing, and mathematics.

From the proceeds of 2010 we transferred 300 Euro by the medium of Barbara Swoboda and Christa Thalbauer  to the Society for Intercultural Peace Work and Social Projects TO OM RA. This society mainly supports projects in Guatemala, Central Amerika.


Also, we are collecting donations for the support of indigenous initiatives, like reunions of Elders. Mainly for their long journeys considerable funds are needed. For this we opened the following account:
name of account:  Dr. Elke von Linde Spendenkonto Indigene
account no. 108 689 17
name of bank:  Kreissparkasse München Starnberg BLZ 702 501 50
IBAN: DE96 7025 0150 0010 8689 17    BIC: BYLADEM1KMS
Elke von Linde is in close contact to representatives of various indigenous nations and cares for the right use of donations


  Chief Woableza in Mayapan/Mexico